The Gold and Diamond Encrusted Harmonica Store is a store that sells gold and diamond encrusted harmonicas.
The Rectangular Businessman when into the store in "Star Wars VII" so he can buy a gold and diamond encrusted harmonica. At the harmonica store, the Rectangular Businessman stares at a row of gold harmonicas encrusted in diamonds. Eventually, the Rectangular Businessman returns to Shark's car, which still hasn't even started yet. The pink square didn't even buy any of the harmonicas for some reason. The store's interior is quite bland-looking and has a door entrance, windows that have the word "Harmonicas" on it (written in yellow letters) while a row of harmonicas appear next to it (on a block), and a large shelve of harmonicas on the wall, which expands up to the clouds while an airplane can be seen flying in the air. Though, the actual size of the building is unknown.
- The song that plays in the store is known as "Beach Parade", which was composed by Armando Trovajoli.