12 oz mouse Wiki
Fitz's Yo-Yo

Fitz swinging his yo-yo.

Fitz's Yo-Yo is a red and white-colored yo-yo that Mouse Fitzgerald had possession of in the 12 oz. Mouse special titled "Invictus." This yo-yo was made out of crushed bow-tie bots and the string of Amalockh's hair (despite Amalockh having no visible hair) by Roostre and the rest of Mouse's friends. Roostre has also stated that he sent the yo-yo to Fitz by using Shark's machine.

Fitz is shown doing various stunts and tricks with the yo-yo by swinging it, tangling it, playing with it as a guitar, and hanging its strings onto a tree while living in the real world. This yo-yo appeared again on the desk of Mouse's current house while Buzby was visiting Fitz to hunt down Spider.

The yo-yo can even be used as a weapon, shown in action when Fitz was fighting Shark in the special. Fitz used it to kill Shark and used the strings from the yo-yo to pull out his brain. This yo-yo also served as the opening of a doorway to a portal in Q109 when Roostre suggested Fitz to open the doorway with the yo-yo.

