12 oz mouse Wiki
12 oz mouse Fitz's jet car

The Jet-car is a large yellow jet that serves as Fitz's vehicle of transportation. However, it is called a taxi by Fitz, since it has the word "taxi" written on it. The Jet-car has a big glass window shield with a seat and an engine that has controls with a center stick to drive. He uses the Jet-car to drive around town, along with some of his friends such as Skillet, The Eye, and Golden Joe. The Jet-Car has it's own defense system with its window shield, which was later shattered by Peanut Cop and Golden Joe Joe's urine. The Jet-Car was never used again after that. The jet itself would ulimately end up being blown up and destroyed by Shark in "Eighteen."



  • The Jet-Car is mentioned in the theme song of 12 oz. Mouse.
  • Despite the Jet-Car being abandoned on the streets, next to Shark's Office and a few other buildings, after the events of "Bowtime", the Jet-car is nowhere to be seen in Season 2, with the exception of the afromentioned "Bowtime" and "Eighteen."








"Adventure Mouse"[]


